IT MEANS WE ARE GETTING TO THE ROOT OF YOUR PROBLEM....UP TIL NOW, YOU HAVE BEEN LIVING A UPPER-MIDDLE CLASS, BOURGEOISIE LIFE-STYLE, TREATING THE WORRIED WELL, NOW, YOU HAVE TO TURN IN YOUR DISHONEST COLLEAGUES, criminals, AND HAVE THEIR LICENSES TO PRACTICE REVOKED, AND YOU ARE AFRAID, and acting weak. It takes a strong person to be a physician, Dr. Blau, and your conduct is unacceptable...so, here's what you don't know...I can report professional misconduct by physicians [ like James David and Michael J. Reichgott ] to any doctor, nurse, dentist or physician's assistant. I reported to you. I am going to create a crisis for you, so that you can achieve positive personal growth, and I know that you will understand because this is a tested technique. You have two choices: ( 1 ) you face your fear, turn in your dishonest colleagues, help revoke their licenses to practice, and experience personal growth that will make you a stronger person and able to practice medicine, or ( 2 ) I will turn you in, and pursue charges against you for collusion.
I know you read my blog(s), Dr. Blau. How do you feel about being treated as a patient, against your will, through third party means, now...Dr. Blau....as if you were a lab rat or a Tuskegee experient...as if you were forced into a non-consentual Tuskegee syphilis experiment...
Many doctors are crooked. The entire medical industry is rife with corruption. This goes much deeper than cooked DAs and judges. Medical theft and corruption is global.