IT MEANS WE ARE GETTING TO THE ROOT OF YOUR PROBLEM....UP TIL NOW, YOU HAVE BEEN LIVING A UPPER-MIDDLE CLASS, BOURGEOISIE LIFE-STYLE, TREATING THE WORRIED WELL, NOW, YOU HAVE TO TURN IN YOUR DISHONEST COLLEAGUES, criminals, AND HAVE THEIR LICENSES TO PRACTICE REVOKED, AND YOU ARE AFRAID, and acting weak. It takes a strong person to be a physician, Dr. Blau, and your conduct is unacceptable...so, here's what you don't know...I can report professional misconduct by physicians [ like James David and Michael J. Reichgott ] to any doctor, nurse, dentist or physician's assistant. I reported to you. I am going to create a crisis for you, so that you can achieve positive personal growth, and I know that you will understand because this is a tested technique. You have two choices: ( 1 ) you face your fear, turn in your dishonest colleagues, help revoke their licenses to practice, and experience personal growth that will make you a stronger person and able to practice medicine, or ( 2 ) I will turn you in, and pursue charges against you for collusion.
I know you read my blog(s), Dr. Blau. How do you feel about being treated as a patient, against your will, through third party means, now...Dr. Blau....as if you were a lab rat or a Tuskegee experient...as if you were forced into a non-consentual Tuskegee syphilis experiment...